Crewman Kathrine Harrison permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
59 F 2 (-2) 6 (0) 2 (-2) 8 (0) 4 (-1) 6 (0)
Admin 0
Advocate 0
Art 0
Athletics (Strength) 1
Broker 3
Diplomat 0
Drive (Track) 1
Electronics 0
Gambler 1
Jack-of-all-Trades 1
Leadership 0
Mechanic 1
Persuade 2
Science 0
Steward 1
Streetwise 2
Vacc Suit 1
Citizen Corporate 0 1
Entertainer Journalist 0 1
Merchant Free Trader 2 3
Entertainer Performer 0 1
Merchant Broker 2 3
Navy Flight Crewman 0 1
1Became a Corporate at age 18
1A revolution, attack or other unusual event throws your life into chaos, forcing you to leave the planet.
2Became a Journalist at age 22
2You are betrayed by a peer. One Ally or Contact becomes a Rival or Enemy
3Became a Free Trader at age 26
3A good deal ensures you are living the high life for a few years.
3Promoted to rank 1
4Continued as Free Trader at age 30
5Continued as Free Trader at age 34
5Gained a contact.
5Promoted to rank 2
6Voluntarily left Free Trader
6Switched to Performer at age 38
6Nearly killed. Fully recovered.
7Switched to Broker at age 42
7Risk your fortune on a possibility lucrative deal and win.
7Promoted to rank 1
8Continued as Broker at age 46
8Make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles. Gain a Contact.
8Promoted to rank 2
9Continued as Broker at age 50
9Your ship or starport is destroyed by criminals. Gain them as an Enemy.
10Became a Flight at age 54
10Is now a Crewman
10You are tormented by or quarrel with an officer or fellow crewman. Gain that character as a Rival.