1st Officer Sumner Howlett permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
55 M 1 (-2) 2 (-2) 1 (-2) 11 (1) 10 (1) 6 (0)
Admin 3
Advocate 1
Astrogation 1
Broker 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Engineer (M-drive) 1
Engineer (Power) 1
Jack-of-all-Trades 1
Language (Anglic (3rd Imperium)) 1
Mechanic 1
Medic 0
Persuade 2
Pilot (Small Craft) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 3
Seafarer 0
Steward 0
Streetwise 1
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 1
Merchant Free Trader Experienced Trader 3 4
Merchant Merchant Marine 1st Officer 5 5
1Became a Free Trader at age 18
1Embroiled in legal trouble.
1Promoted to rank 1
2Continued as Free Trader at age 22
2Given advanced training in a specialist field
2Promoted to rank 2
3Continued as Free Trader at age 26
3Embroiled in legal trouble.
3Promoted to rank 3
3Is now a Experienced Trader
4Continued as Free Trader at age 30
4Imperial trade restrictions force you out of business.
5Switched to Merchant Marine at age 34
5Is now a Crewman
5Smuggle illegal items onto a planet.
5Promoted to rank 1
5Is now a Senior Crewman
6Continued as Merchant Marine at age 38
6A series of bad deals and decisions force you into bankruptcy. You salvage what you can.
6Promoted to rank 2
6Is now a 4th Officer
7Continued as Merchant Marine at age 42
7Embroiled in legal trouble.
7Promoted to rank 3
7Is now a 3rd Officer
8Continued as Merchant Marine at age 46
8A good deal ensures you are living the high life for a few years.
8Promoted to rank 4
8Is now a 2nd Officer
9Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
9Continued as Merchant Marine at age 50
9Bankrupted by a rival. Gain the other trader as a Rival.
9Promoted to rank 5
9Is now a 1st Officer
10Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.