Riley Raby permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
45 M 1 (-2) 4 (-1) 4 (-1) 10 (1) 11 (1) 5 (-1)
Amiable, Equable
Admin 2
Astrogation 0
Athletics 0
Deception 0
Drive 0
Electronics (Computers) 2
Engineer (Life Support) 1
Gun Combat 0
Investigate 1
Mechanic 0
Medic 0
Pilot 0
Profession 0
Science (Chemistry) 1
Science (History) 1
Seafarer (Sail) 1
Vacc Suit 0
Drifter Scavenger 0 1
Entertainer Performer 0 1
Scholar Scientist 3 4
1Became a Scavenger at age 18
1Betrayed by a friend. One of your Contacts or Allies betrays you, ending your career. That Contact or Ally becomes a Rival or Enemy.
2Became a Performer at age 22
2Public opinion turns on you.
3Became a Scientist at age 26
3Advanced training in a specialist field.
3Promoted to rank 1
4Continued as Scientist at age 30
4Win a prestigious prize for your work.
4Promoted to rank 2
5Continued as Scientist at age 34
5Refused to perform research that goes against your conscience.
6Continued as Scientist at age 38
6A rival researcher blackens your name or steals your research. Gain a Rival.
6Promoted to rank 3
7Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.