Toni Lewis permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
40 F 2 (-2) 4 (-1) 5 (-1) 10 (1) 7 (0) 5 (-1)
Animals 0
Art 0
Broker 0
Carouse 0
Deception 1
Drive 0
Electronics (Computer) 1
Engineer (Life Support) 1
Mechanic 2
Persuade 0
Science 0
Seafarer 0
Steward 1
Streetwise 0
Entertainer Journalist 0 1
Citizen Worker 1 3
Citizen Corporate 1 1
1Became a Journalist at age 18
1You are betrayed by a peer. One Ally or Contact becomes a Rival or Enemy
2Became a Worker at age 22
2You learn something you should not have – a corporate secret, a political scandal – which you can profit from illegally.
2Promoted to rank 1
3Continued as Worker at age 26
3You gain experience in a technical field as a computer operator or surveyor.
4Continued as Worker at age 30
4Hard times caused by a lack of interstellar trade costs you your job.
5Switched to Corporate at age 34
5You are rewarded for your diligence or cunning.
5Promoted to rank 1