Petty Officer, 1st class Delta Simpson permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
71 F 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 3 (-1) 10 (1) 3 (-1)
Admin 1
Advocate 1
Art 0
Astrogation 0
Athletics (Dexterity) 1
Carouse 3
Deception 1
Diplomat 1
Electronics (Computers) 1
Engineer (J-drive) 1
Gun Combat (Archaic) 1
Gunner (Turret) 1
Mechanic 2
Persuade 1
Pilot 0
Profession 0
Vacc Suit 1
Drifter Scavenger 0 1
Noble Diplomat 1st Secretary 3 4
Navy Engineer/Gunner Petty Officer, 1st class 4 4
Citizen Corporate 0 1
Drifter Wanderer 0 1
Retired 0 2
1Became a Scavenger at age 18
1Betrayed by a friend. One of your Contacts or Allies betrays you, ending your career. That Contact or Ally becomes a Rival or Enemy.
2Became a Diplomat at age 22
2Is now a Intern
2Refused a challenge to a duel for your honour and standing.
2Promoted to rank 1
2Is now a 3rd Secretary
3Continued as Diplomat at age 26
3Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
3Promoted to rank 2
3Is now a 2nd Secretary
4Continued as Diplomat at age 30
4Your reign is acclaimed by all as being fair and wise – or in the case of a dilettante, you sponge off your family’s wealth a while longer. Gain either a jealous relative or an unhappy subject as an Enemy.
4Promoted to rank 3
4Is now a 1st Secretary
5Continued as Diplomat at age 34
5Join a conspiracy of nobles that were caught.
5A family scandal forces you out of your position.
5Forced to muster out.
6Became a Engineer/Gunner at age 38
6Is now a Crewman
6Abuse your position for profit
6Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 1
6Is now a Able Spacehand
7Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 42
7Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
7Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 2
7Is now a Petty Officer, 3rd class
8Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 46
8Special assignment or duty on board ship.
8Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 3
8Is now a Petty Officer, 2nd class
9Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 50
9Good fortune
9Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 4
9Is now a Petty Officer, 1st class
10Voluntarily left Engineer/Gunner
10Became a Corporate at age 54
10Hard times caused by a lack of interstellar trade costs you your job.
11Switched to Wanderer at age 58
11run afoul of a criminal gang, corrupt bureaucrat or other foe. Gain an Enemy.
12Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
12Retired at age 62
12Accused of a crime
13Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
13A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
14Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.