Chief Petty Officer Merrill Ronald permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
68 M 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 7 (0) 6 (0) 3 (-1)
Athletics (Dexterity) 2
Athletics (Strength) 1
Diplomat 2
Electronics (Computers) 1
Engineer (Life Support) 1
Gunner (Capital) 3
Gunner (Ortillery) 1
Gunner (Screen) 2
Mechanic 3
Medic 0
Recon 1
Stealth 0
Steward 1
Streetwise 1
Survival 1
Vacc Suit 2
Navy Line/Crew Chief Petty Officer 5 7
Scout Surveyor 0 2
Drifter Barbarian 1 2
Retired 0 1
1Became a Line/Crew at age 18
1Is now a Crewman
1Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
1Promoted to Line/Crew rank 1
1Is now a Able Spacehand
2Continued as Line/Crew at age 22
2Good fortune
3Continued as Line/Crew at age 26
3Commanding officer takes an interest in your career.
3Promoted to Line/Crew rank 2
3Is now a Petty Officer, 3rd class
4Voluntarily left Line/Crew
4Became a Surveyor at age 30
4Serve as the courier for an important message from the Imperium.
5Continued as Surveyor at age 34
5You have no idea what happened to you – they found your ship drifting on the fringes of friendly space.
6Returned to Line/Crew at age 38
6Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
6Promoted to Line/Crew rank 3
6Is now a Petty Officer, 2nd class
7Continued as Line/Crew at age 42
7Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
7Promoted to Line/Crew rank 4
7Is now a Petty Officer, 1st class
8Continued as Line/Crew at age 46
8Vessel participates in a notable military engagement.
8Promoted to Line/Crew rank 5
8Is now a Chief Petty Officer
9Continued as Line/Crew at age 50
9Severely injured. Fully recovered.
10Became a Barbarian at age 54
10Attempted a risky adventure and was wildly successful.
10Promoted to rank 1
11Continued as Barbarian at age 58
11You do not know what happened to you. There is a gap in your memory.
12Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
12Retired at age 62
12Gained a contact.
13Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.