Ensign Arlie Phillips permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
71 M 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 5 (-1) 4 (-1) 12 (2)
Admin 0
Art (Perform) 1
Athletics 0
Carouse 0
Deception 0
Drive 0
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Persuade 0
Seafarer 0
Steward 0
Entertainer Journalist 0 1
Noble Dilettante Wastrel 0 2
Navy Line/Crew Ensign 1 / 0 3
Drifter Barbarian 0 1
Retired 0 6
1Became a Journalist at age 18
1Expose or are involved in a scandal of some sort.
2Became a Dilettante at age 22
2Is now a Wastrel
2Join a conspiracy of nobles that were caught.
2An assassin attempts to end your life.
3Continued as Dilettante at age 26
3Inherit a gift from a rich relative.
3Forced to muster out.
4Became a Line/Crew at age 30
4Is now a Crewman
4Moved to a new world.
4Commissioned in Navy/Line/Crew
4Is now a Ensign
5Continued as Line/Crew at age 34
5Advanced training in a specialist field
6Continued as Line/Crew at age 38
6Placed in the frozen watch (cryogenically stored on board ship) and revived improperly.
7Became a Barbarian at age 42
7Lost eye or limb. Fully recovered. Owe 5,000 for medical bills.
8Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
8Retired at age 46
8Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
9Victim of a crime
10Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
10Birth or Death involving a family member or close friend.
11Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
11Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
12Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
12A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
13Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
13Moved to a new world.
14Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.