Petty Officer, 3rd class Phil Lette permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
47 M 4 (-1) 5 (-1) 3 (-1) 9 (1) 3 (-1) 6 (0)
Hot Headed, Optimistic
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Broker 0
Carouse 0
Deception 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Engineer (Life Support) 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Mechanic 2
Persuade 0
Recon 2
Science 0
Stealth 1
Steward 0
Tactics (Military) 1
Vacc Suit 1
Merchant Free Trader 0 1
Rogue Thief 2 4
Navy Engineer/Gunner Petty Officer, 3rd class 2 2
1Became a Free Trader at age 18
1Imperial trade restrictions force you out of business.
2Became a Thief at age 22
2Crime pays off. Gain victim as Enemy.
3Continued as Thief at age 26
3Refuse to backstab a fellow rogue for personal gain. Gain an Ally
3Promoted to rank 1
4Continued as Thief at age 30
4Crime pays off. Gain victim as Enemy.
4Promoted to rank 2
5Continued as Thief at age 34
5A crime lord considers you his protégé.
6Voluntarily left Thief
6Became a Engineer/Gunner at age 38
6Is now a Crewman
6Vessel participates in a notable military engagement.
6Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 1
6Is now a Able Spacehand
7Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 42
7You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy.
7Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 2
7Is now a Petty Officer, 3rd class