Field Agent Doshie McLusky permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
48 F 1 (-2) 7 (0) 1 (-2) 9 (1) 4 (-1) 10 (1)
Heart Broken
Athletics (Strength) 1
Deception 1
Drive (Mole) 1
Electronics (Computers) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 2
Flyer (Grav) 1
Gun Combat 0
Investigate 1
Medic 1
Recon 1
Science (Cybernetics) 1
Science (Physics) 1
Seafarer 0
Streetwise 1
Agent Corporate Agent Field Agent 2 3
Scholar Scientist 2 4
1Became a Corporate Agent at age 18
1Given specialist training in vehicles.
1Promoted to rank 1
1Is now a Agent
2Continued as Corporate Agent at age 22
2Go undercover to investigate an enemy.
2Scarred. Fully recovered. Owe 2,500 for medical bills.
2Forced to continue current assignment
2Promoted to rank 2
2Is now a Field Agent
3Continued as Corporate Agent at age 26
3Life ruined by a criminal gang. Gain the gang as an Enemy
4Became a Scientist at age 30
4Scarred. Owe 1,250 for medical bills.
5Continued as Scientist at age 34
5Win a prestigious prize for your work.
5Forced to continue current assignment
5Promoted to rank 1
6Continued as Scientist at age 38
6Work for an eccentric but brilliant mentor, who becomes an Ally.
6Promoted to rank 2
7Continued as Scientist at age 42
7Good fortune
8Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.