Ensign Allen Chambers permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
39 5 (-1) 3 (-1) 4 (-1) 7 (0) 6 (0) 8 (0)
Pompous, Indolent, Adventurous
Athletics (Dexterity) 1
Carouse 0
Gun Combat 4
Gunner (Ortillery) 2
Gunner (Turret) 1
Language 0
Leadership 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Steward 1
Streetwise 0
Survival 0
Navy Line/Crew Ensign 1 / 0 3
Citizen Colonist 0 1
Navy Engineer/Gunner 1 / 0 1
1Became a Line/Crew at age 18
1Is now a Crewman
1Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
1Gain a contact.
1Commissioned in Navy/Line/Crew
1Is now a Ensign
2Continued as Line/Crew at age 22
2Vessel participates in a diplomatic mission.
3Continued as Line/Crew at age 26
3During a battle, defeat or victory depends on your actions. You actions lead to an honorabe discharge.
4Became a Colonist at age 30
4Hard times caused by a lack of interstellar trade costs you your job.
5Switched to Engineer/Gunner at age 34
5During a battle, defeat or victory depends on your actions. You actions lead to an honorabe discharge.