Famous Artist Beryl Maltby permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
80 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 3 (-1) 9 (1) 3 (-1)
Austere, Shameless, Serene
Art (Instrument) 1
Art (Perform) 2
Art (Performer) 1
Art (Write) 1
Athletics (Dexterity) 1
Athletics (Strength) 1
Carouse 3
Deception 3
Drive (Mole) 1
Electronics (Comms) 1
Investigate 1
Jack-of-all-Trades 1
Language (Oynprith (Droyne)) 1
Mechanic 0
Medic 0
Melee (Blade) 1
Melee (Unarmed) 1
Persuade 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Profession (Hydroponics) 1
Science 0
Stealth 1
Steward 2
Streetwise 2
Entertainer Performer 4 5
Rogue Pirate Lackey 0 1
Prisoner Inmate 0 1
Prisoner Thug 1 1
Entertainer Artist Famous Artist 5 6
Retired 0 1
1Became a Performer at age 18
1Join homeworld’s celebrity circles
1Promoted to rank 1
2Continued as Performer at age 22
2Invited to take part in a controversial event or exhibition that injures your social standing.
2Promoted to rank 2
3Continued as Performer at age 26
3Go on a tour of the sector, visiting several worlds. Gain 3 Contacts.
3Promoted to rank 3
4Continued as Performer at age 30
4Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
4Forced to continue current assignment
4Promoted to rank 4
5Continued as Performer at age 34
5An investigation, tour, project or expedition goes wrong, stranding you far from home.
6Became a Pirate at age 38
6Is now a Lackey
7Became a Inmate at age 42
7Nearly killed. Fully recovered. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
8Switched to Thug at age 46
8Assigned to difficult or backbreaking labour.
8Promoted to rank 1
8Paroled from prison.
9Switched to Artist at age 50
9Gained a contact.
9Promoted to rank 1
10Continued as Artist at age 54
10Go on a tour of the sector, visiting several worlds. Gain 2 Contacts.
10Promoted to rank 2
11Continued as Artist at age 58
11Join homeworld’s celebrity circles
11Promoted to rank 3
12Continued as Artist at age 62
12One of your pieces of art is stolen, and the investigation brings you into the criminal underworld.
12Promoted to rank 4
13Continued as Artist at age 66
13Gain a patron in the arts. Gain an Ally
13Promoted to rank 5
13Is now a Famous Artist
14Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
14Continued as Artist at age 70
14Public opinion turns on you.
15Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.
15Retired at age 74
15Gained a contact.
16Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.