Byron Reed permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
80 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 8 (0) 11 (1) 3 (-1)
Dreamer, Able
Admin 0
Animals 0
Art (Instrument) 1
Broker 1
Carouse 0
Diplomat 1
Drive (Hovercraft) 1
Drive (Mole) 1
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Computers) 2
Engineer (J-drive) 2
Engineer (Power) 1
Investigate 2
Mechanic 0
Medic 0
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Science (Cosmology) 1
Science (History) 1
Science (Linguistics) 1
Science (Philosophy) 1
Science (Psychology) 2
Science (Sophontology) 1
Science (Xenology) 1
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit 1
Scholar Scientist 6 7
Merchant Broker 1 4
Retired 0 4
1Became a Scientist at age 18
1Agreed to perform research that goes against your conscience. Gain 2 Enemies.
1Promoted to rank 1
2Continued as Scientist at age 22
2Make a breakthrough in your field.
2Promoted to rank 2
3Continued as Scientist at age 26
3Win a prestigious prize for your work.
3Promoted to rank 3
4Continued as Scientist at age 30
4Refuse to join a cheat in some fashion.
4Promoted to rank 4
5Continued as Scientist at age 34
5Refused to perform research that goes against your conscience.
5Promoted to rank 5
6Continued as Scientist at age 38
6Work for an eccentric but brilliant mentor, who becomes an Ally.
6Promoted to rank 6
7Continued as Scientist at age 42
7Entangled in a bureaucratic or legal morass that distracts you from your work.
7Forced to muster out.
8Became a Broker at age 46
8Given advanced training in a specialist field
9Continued as Broker at age 50
9Gained a contact.
9Promoted to rank 1
10Continued as Broker at age 54
10Embroiled in legal trouble.
11Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
11Continued as Broker at age 58
11Gained a contact.
11Forced to muster out.
12Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
12Retired at age 62
12Gained a contact.
13Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
13Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
14Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
14Good fortune
15Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
15Moved to a new world.
16Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.