Able Spacehand Caroline Fullmore permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
40 12 (2) 9 (1) 8 (0) 6 (0) 4 (-1) 7 (0)
Nervous, Spiteful, Active
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Athletics (Strength) 1
Carouse 0
Gun Combat 2
Gunner (Ortillery) 2
Mechanic 1
Profession (Civil Engineering) 1
Stealth 0
Survival 1
Vacc Suit 0
Navy Flight Able Spacehand 1 2
Drifter Barbarian 1 3
1Became a Flight at age 18
1Is now a Crewman
1You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy.
1Promoted to Flight rank 1
1Is now a Able Spacehand
2Continued as Flight at age 22
2During a battle, defeat or victory depends on your actions. The ship suffers severe damage and you are blamed for the disaster. You are court - martialled and discharged.
3Became a Barbarian at age 26
3Find valuable salvage.
4Continued as Barbarian at age 30
4Attempted a risky adventure and was wildly successful.
4Promoted to rank 1
5Continued as Barbarian at age 34
5You do not know what happened to you. There is a gap in your memory.