Clarence Alyssa permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
31 9 (1) 4 (-1) 6 (0) 3 (-1) 12 (2) 6 (0)
Admin 1
Advocate 0
Art 0
Broker 0
Diplomat 0
Drive (Mole) 1
Electronics (Computers) 1
Engineer (Life Support) 1
Flyer (Rotor) 1
Leadership 0
Seafarer 0
Citizen Corporate 1 3
1Became a Corporate at age 18
1Spent time maintaining and using heavy vehicles.
2Continued as Corporate at age 22
2Spent time maintaining and using heavy vehicles.
3Continued as Corporate at age 26
3You gain experience in a technical field as a computer operator or surveyor.
3Promoted to rank 1