Gabriel Hannah permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
34 9 (1) 8 (0) 4 (-1) 8 (0) 8 (0) 10 (1)
Discreet, Shy, Healthy
Art 0
Diplomat 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Investigate 0
Medic 1
Persuade 1
Science (Cybernetics) 1
Scholar Physician 2 4
1Became a Physician at age 18
1Good fortune
1Promoted to rank 1
2Continued as Physician at age 22
2Assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organisation.
3Continued as Physician at age 26
3Caught cheating in some fashion, advancing your career and research by stealing another’s work, using an alien device, taking a shortcut and so forth.
3A disaster leaves several injured, and others blame you, forcing you to leave your career. Gain a Rival.
3Injured. Fully recovered. Owe 1,250 for medical bills.
3Gain an Enemy
3Promoted to rank 2
4Continued as Physician at age 30
4Moved to a new world.