Famous Artist Harriet Maiden permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
77 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 10 (1) 6 (0) 7 (0)
Tired, Narcissistic
Animals (Veterinary) 1
Art (Visual Media) 1
Athletics (Endurance) 1
Carouse 1
Deception 1
Drive (Hovercraft) 1
Electronics (Comms) 3
Electronics (Computers) 2
Engineer (M-drive) 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat (Slug) 2
Gun Combat 1
Heavy Weapons (Man Portable) 1
Investigate 1
Language (Oynprith (Droyne)) 1
Leadership 1
Mechanic 1
Medic 2
Melee (Blade) 2
Melee (Unarmed) 1
Persuade 1
Recon 1
Science 0
Seafarer 0
Steward 0
Survival 1
Vacc Suit 0
Entertainer Artist Famous Artist 5 5
Drifter Barbarian Warrior 2 2
Army Infantry Captain 2 / 3 5
Navy Flight Able Spacehand 1 2
1Became a Artist at age 18
1Works is especially well received and popular, making you a minor celebrity
1Promoted to rank 1
2Voluntarily left Artist
2Became a Barbarian at age 22
2Promoted to rank 1
3Continued as Barbarian at age 26
3Offered job by a patron. Now owe him a favor.
3Promoted to rank 2
3Is now a Warrior
4Became a Infantry at age 30
4Is now a Private
4Moved to a new world.
4Attempt at commissioned failed.
4Forced to continue current assignment
4Promoted to Infantry rank 1
4Is now a Lance Corporal
5Continued as Infantry at age 34
5Moved to a new world.
5Promoted to Infantry rank 2
5Is now a Corporal
6Continued as Infantry at age 38
6Assigned to a planet with a hostile or wild environment.
6Promoted to Infantry rank 3
6Is now a Lance Sergeant
7Continued as Infantry at age 42
7Display heroism in battle.
7Commissioned in Army/Infantry
7Is now a Lieutenant
7Promoted to Infantry officer rank 2
7Is now a Captain
8Continued as Infantry at age 46
8Forced out after co-operating with military investigation in commanding officer's illegal activity.
8Forced to muster out.
9Became a Flight at age 50
9Is now a Crewman
9You join a gambling circle on board.
9Attempt at commissioned failed.
9Promoted to Flight rank 1
9Is now a Able Spacehand
10Continued as Flight at age 54
10Placed in the frozen watch (cryogenically stored on board ship) and revived improperly.
11Returned to Artist at age 58
11Gain a patron in the arts. Gain an Ally
11Promoted to rank 2
12Continued as Artist at age 62
12Criticised a questionable political leader on your homeworld, causing his downfall. Gain an Enemy
12Promoted to rank 3
13Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
13Continued as Artist at age 66
13Go on a tour of the sector, visiting several worlds. Gain 1 Contacts.
13Promoted to rank 4
14Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
14Continued as Artist at age 70
14A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
14Promoted to rank 5
14Is now a Famous Artist
15Aging Crisis. Owe 40,000 for medical bills.