Black Sheep Joel Rinne permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
61 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 6 (0) 12 (2) 9 (1) 6 (0)
Brutish, Scarred
Admin 0
Advocate 1
Art (Holography) 1
Art (Write) 1
Astrogation 1
Carouse 2
Deception 1
Diplomacy 1
Diplomat 1
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Explosives 1
Gambler 1
Gun Combat 0
Investigate 0
Language 0
Melee (Unarmed) 1
Navigation 1
Persuade 3
Pilot (Small craft) 1
Profession 0
Science 0
Vacc Suit 1
Noble Dilettante Black Sheep 5 5
Merchant Free Trader 0 1
Scout Surveyor Scout 2 3
Retired 0 1
1Became a Dilettante at age 18
1Is now a Wastrel
1Become deeply involved in politics on your world of residence, becoming a player in the political intrigues of government. Gain a Rival.
1Promoted to rank 1
2Continued as Dilettante at age 22
2Gained a contact.
2Promoted to rank 2
2Is now a Ingrate
3Continued as Dilettante at age 26
3Severely injured. Owe 3,750 for medical bills.
3Forced to continue current assignment
3Promoted to rank 3
4Continued as Dilettante at age 30
4time as a ruler or playboy gives you a wide range of experiences.
4Promoted to rank 4
4Is now a Black Sheep
5Continued as Dilettante at age 34
5time as a ruler or playboy gives you a wide range of experiences.
5Promoted to rank 5
6Voluntarily left Dilettante
6Became a Free Trader at age 38
6Imperial trade restrictions force you out of business.
7Became a Surveyor at age 42
7You spend a great deal of time on the fringes of Charted Space.
7Gain a contact in an alien race.
8Continued as Surveyor at age 46
8You spend a great deal of time on the fringes of Charted Space.
8Your ship is damaged, and you have to hitch-hike your way back across the stars to the nearest scout base.
8Gain 4 Contacts. Gain 2 Enemies.
8Promoted to rank 1
8Is now a Scout
9Continued as Surveyor at age 50
9Victim of a crime
9Promoted to rank 2
10Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
10Voluntarily left Surveyor
10Retired at age 54
10A romantic relationship deepens, possibly leading to marriage. Gain an Ally.
11Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.