4th Officer Junior Bob permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
75 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 5 (-1) 5 (-1)
Thoughtful, Fierce
Admin 0
Animals 0
Astrogation 0
Electronics (Comms) 1
Electronics (Remote Ops) 1
Engineer (J-drive) 1
Engineer (M-drive) 1
Gun Combat 0
Gun Combat 1
Gunner (Screen) 1
Language (Zdetl (Zhodani)) 1
Mechanic 2
Pilot (Small Craft) 1
Science (Cosmology) 1
Science (Genetics) 2
Science (History) 1
Science (Philosophy) 1
Seafarer 0
Steward 1
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 1
Scout Explorer 0 1
Scholar Scientist 1 4
Merchant Merchant Marine 4th Officer 2 4
Navy Engineer/Gunner Petty Officer, 3rd class 2 3
Retired 0 2
1Became a Explorer at age 18
1Psychologically damaged by your time in the scouts.
2Became a Scientist at age 22
2Advanced training in a specialist field.
3Continued as Scientist at age 26
3Make a breakthrough in your field.
4Continued as Scientist at age 30
4Refused to perform research that goes against your conscience.
4Promoted to rank 1
5Continued as Scientist at age 34
5A disaster or war strikes.
5Severely injured. Fully recovered. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
5The planetary government interferes with your research for political or religious reasons. You continue working openly and gain an Enemy.
5Forced to muster out.
6Became a Merchant Marine at age 38
6Is now a Crewman
6Embroiled in legal trouble.
6Promoted to rank 1
6Is now a Senior Crewman
7Continued as Merchant Marine at age 42
7Given advanced training in a specialist field
7Promoted to rank 2
7Is now a 4th Officer
8Continued as Merchant Marine at age 46
8A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
9Continued as Merchant Marine at age 50
9Imperial trade restrictions force you out of business.
10Became a Engineer/Gunner at age 54
10Is now a Crewman
10Vessel participates in a notable military engagement.
10Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 1
10Is now a Able Spacehand
11Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
11Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 58
11Vessel participates in a notable military engagement.
11Promoted to Engineer/Gunner rank 2
11Is now a Petty Officer, 3rd class
12Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
12Continued as Engineer/Gunner at age 62
12During a battle, defeat or victory depends on your actions. You actions lead to an honorabe discharge.
13Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
13Retired at age 66
13Moved to a new world.
14Aging Crisis. Owe 60,000 for medical bills.
14Moved to a new world.
15Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.