Admiral Malissa Mulvahil permalink

Age Sex Str Dex End Int Edu Soc
76 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 1 (-2) 4 (-1) 10 (1) 13 (2)
Strong Willed, Empathetic, Nice
Admin 1
Art 0
Astrogation 1
Athletics 0
Deception 1
Drive (Track) 1
Electronics (Computers) 1
Gun Combat 2
Gunner (Capital) 1
Gunner (Ortillery) 3
Leadership 1
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 2
Navigation 1
Pilot (Capital Ships) 1
Profession 0
Science 0
Tactics (Military) 1
Tactics (Naval) 1
Vacc Suit 2
Navy Line/Crew Admiral 7 / 0 8
Retired 0 6
1Became a Line/Crew at age 18
1Is now a Crewman
1You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy.
1Commissioned in Navy/Line/Crew
1Is now a Ensign
1Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 2
1Is now a Sublieutenant
2Continued as Line/Crew at age 22
2Good fortune
3Continued as Line/Crew at age 26
3You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy.
4Continued as Line/Crew at age 30
4Commanding officer takes an interest in your career.
4Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 3
4Is now a Lieutenant
5Continued as Line/Crew at age 34
5Nearly killed. Fully recovered. Owe 7,500 for medical bills.
5Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 4
5Is now a Commander
6Continued as Line/Crew at age 38
6You join a gambling circle on board.
6Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 5
6Is now a Captain
7Continued as Line/Crew at age 42
7Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
7Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 6
7Is now a Admiral
8Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.
8Continued as Line/Crew at age 46
8Display heroism in battle, saving the whole ship.
8Promoted to Line/Crew officer rank 7
9Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
9Voluntarily left Line/Crew
9Retired at age 50
9A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
10Betrayal. Convert an Ally into a Rival or Enemy.
11A romantic relationship ends badly. Gain a Rival or Enemy.
12Aging Crisis. Owe 10,000 for medical bills.
12Gained a contact.
13Aging Crisis. Owe 20,000 for medical bills.
13A new romantic starts. Gain an Ally.
14Aging Crisis. Owe 50,000 for medical bills.
14A romantic relationship deepens, possibly leading to marriage. Gain an Ally.
15Aging Crisis. Owe 30,000 for medical bills.